Faculty of Science and Technology

Dean: Mr. Ponepate Taunisila , Faculty of Science and Technology

Greetings and welcome to the Faculty of Science and Technology (FoST) of the Tonga National University (TNU)! FoST is constituted of four schools, the School of Science and Tecnology (SoST) formerly known as the Tonga Institute of Science and Technology (TIST), School of Information and Communication Technology (SoICT), School of Agriculture (SoA) and Tonga Maritime Politech Institution.  


School of Information and Communication Technology

The School of Information and Communication Technology delivers 2 programs

School of Agriculture

The School of Agriculture has 5 programs of study; each has a Program Statement to demonstrate the intentions and expectations of the study.

School of Science and Technology

A school having the same name as the Faculty it belongs to, Fokololo e Hau Technical and Vocational School offers 8 programs.

Fokololo ‘o e Hau Maritime School

The Faculty of Science and Technology has Fokololo e Hau Maritime School (formerly known as the Tonga Maritime Polytechnic Institute) offers 7 programs throughout the semester. The program name and program statement are outlined below.