Welcome to School of Nursing and Midwifery Course Description

Certificate in Environmental Health – Level 4

Semester 1: NR101, NR102, NR103, NR107

CodeCourse Name and Description
NR103Human Bioscience 1 Introduces the study of anatomy and physiology with an examination of the organization, structure and tissue of the human body.  It will cover the body systems, and discuss the essential terminologies, structural organization of the body, Bio-Chemistry, Cells, Glands and Body Tissue.  Body systems covered will include Integumentary System, Muscular-Skeletal System, Cardiovascular System, and Respiratory System. The processes of the body system are discussed.
NR107Human Bioscience 2 Introduces more body systems’ Anatomy and Physiology as applied to nursing. Body systems include: Lymphatic System, Immune System, Urinary System, Fluid, Electrolytes & Acid Base Balance, Nervous System, Digestive System, Endocrine System, Reproductive System and Sensory systems. Processes and their significance to human survival will be described.
NR101Social Science Provides students with the essential knowledge of psychology, sociology and related concepts, principles and psychosocial processes of health.  The relevance of psychology and sociology to nursing practice will then be explored with emphasis on their significances for Health Officer’s practice in Tonga and beyond.
NR102Health and Healthy Living Defines health and the concepts of health as applies to individuals, families, communities and the importance of health determinants like environment to the maintenance of healthy living.  Adolescent’s Health development in relation to decision making and healthy living of the learners is explored.  Various behaviors that promote and risk health are discussed. Health system-structure and status of nursing to support health and healthy living is also explored..

Semester 2: EHC414, NR105, NR106, NR108

CodeCourse Name and Description
NR108Human Bioscience 3 Introduces the science of Microbiology and Pharmacology that are essential for effective nursing practice.  The main focus of microbiology are the processes by which the identified organism develops and cause disease, factors that enhance its growth and extend, methods for prevention and management, and its significance to the study to nursing practice.  Discussion of Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, administration of drugs.
NR105Primary Health Care 1 Introduces the concepts of Public Health and Primary Health Care (PHC) and how these are applied in nursing practice. The relationship of PHC within the Public Health System is explored. Primary Health Care Approaches are discussed in achieving health for ALL. Sustainable Development goals (SDGs) are identified and their significance to nursing practice. The roles and responsibilities of nurses working in the community are discussed in relation to PHC. The principles of community and family assessment are explored and applied to nursing practice in the community setting.
NR106Primary Health Care 2 Discusses the concept of Health Promotion and Nutrition, and their applications to individuals, families, and communities in clinical and community setting.  Components of Nutrition are identified and their significance in nursing practice. Strategies (Health Education) for promoting health and changing behavioral pattern are explored.
EHC414Office Duties Develops the skills and knowledge required to oversee office duties, customer services and respond to environmental health complaints and conduct preliminary investigations under direction and supervision.

Semester 3: EHC421, EHC422, EHC423

CodeCourse Name and Description
EHC421Vector Control Designs for the environmental health worker to make a basic determination of the relevant diseases they might confront in their work, the mode of disease transmission, and the possible means of transmission control
EHC422Rural water and supply Describes the competencies needed to identify the basic way in which septic tanks function, and the strategies needed to maintain on-site systems in the community
EHC423Food Borne Diseases Describes the competencies needed to monitor and oversee food storage and handling procedures taking place within food premises and outlets in the community. Working in compliance with relevant legislation and regulations within which the worker’s organisation operates is essential. Processing of applications, training of food handlers, and auditing of premises, including assessments, investigations and enforcement.

Semester 4: EHC424, EHC425, EHC426, EHC427

CodeCourse Name and Description
EHC424Community Health Communicable Disease Develops the skills necessary to assist particular populations/subgroups of interest/ communities to define and assess their health needs. It develops the ability to carefully work with them to examine the problem being targeted and to understand how and why it occurs. The results from the needs assessment guides the design, planning and evaluation of population health projects or interventions
EHC425Environmental Health Buildings and WASH Describes the competencies needed to identify the basic way in which water supply systems function, and the strategies needed to maintain water supply systems in the community and also to assess the quality of the water supply source in the community, and implement measures to address issues of concern if necessary
EHC426Community Health Needs Identifies two stages in health needs assessment: the first relates to the task of identifying and prioritising health problems, and the second relates to translating these national goals into concrete action within local communities. The first stage of needs assessment often lies in the hands of health policy makers and population health professionals. Results of this stage are documented in policy papers or legislation detailing national, state or local health goals and the mobilisation of allocated funds.
EHC427Clinical Practice Provides trainees with the opportunity to experience and gain the knowledge in the work environment and to develop the competency to function independently according to the responsibilities of the environmental Health Inspector in Tonga and public health sectors.
Certificate in Dental Assisting – Level 4

Semester 1: DA101, DA102, DA103, DA104, DA105

CodeCourse Name and Description
DA101First Aid Introduces students to the basic first aid knowledge and skills including basic life support skills.
DA102Microbiology & Infection Control Provides students with the fundamental principles of microbiology and immunology to understand the mechanisms of the production of disease by microorganisms and the means by which the host protects it against them. It will also provide students with the knowledge and skills on the principles of infection control and occupational health.
DA103Dental Science Deals with the structure, development and functions of the oral tissues, their inter-relationships and the relation to other organ systems in both health and disease. Also the structure, organization and basic function of nervous system, cardiovascular system, inflammation, inflammation, wound healing and Immunity, nervous system and cell physiology
DA104Dental Assisting Provides an overview of the recognition, care, use and preparation of equipment’s, instruments and materials for oral health care procedures such as basic examination, anesthesia, restoration, surgery, periodontics, endodontics, and prosthodontics and to assist the operator during the delivery of these procedures. Students at the end of this module should be able to operate and look after dental chairs, dental sterilizers and various dental equipment’s.
DA105Practice Management Designs to train dental assistants across a range of competencies that will help them in the smooth operation of the clinic. It covers the roles and responsibilities of dental assistant, ethics and jurisprudence, office management, communication and principles of applied psychology.

Semester 2: DA106, DA107, DA108, DA109

CodeCourse Name and Description
DA106Preventive Dentistry Describes the skills and knowledge required to: prevent oral diseases among various target groups including early childhood, people with a range of disabilities, pregnant mothers and geriatric population; provide oral health education and oral health promotion to individuals, community and schools; identify high risk patient to Oral diseases and motivate patient to good oral health behavior and attitude.
DA107Dental Materials Provides knowledge on restorative materials available for the direct restoration of permanent and deciduous teeth, their chemistry and physical properties, advantages, disadvantages, indications and contraindications of the materials. Also provides skills on their manipulation, storage and their uses.
DA108Dental Radiography Describes the skills and knowledge required to: minimise the risk of radiation to the patient and operator during the exposure of dental radiographic image; prepare the patient for dental radiography; operate dental radiographic equipment and position the patient and radiographic film in order to produce a diagnostic image, and ensure all radiographs are of consistent diagnostic standard
DA109Clinical Dentistry Designs as a clinical component where students puts their knowledge of all modules into practicum. Students learn to prepare the patient for treatment, take X-ray examinations; obtain dental records; sterilize and disinfect instruments and equipment; prepare tray setups for dental procedures; provide postoperative instruction; educate patients in proper oral health care; prepare materials for making impressions and restorations; and expose radiographs and process dental X-ray film as directed by the dentist.
Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology – Level 5

Semester 1: LTD511, LTD512, LTD513, LTD514

     CodeCourse Name and Description
LTD511General Laboratory Introduction Develops the skills and knowledge required to apply a range of laboratory technologies to conduct scientific-technical tests and sampling in a medical laboratory setting. Students will conduct a wide range of sampling and testing that requires the application of scientific-technical knowledge and skills, with substantial depth in medical laboratory technologies. Although technical officers generally work in a laboratory, they often work closely with personnel in other teams within a section of the workplace.
LTD512Biology of Cells Describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to apply the concepts of cell biology in the medical laboratory. This will include cell and cell organelle structure, differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, the role of key biomolecules in the body and the process of DNA replication, cell division and protein synthesis. This is done both at a microscopic and molecular level
LTD513Quantitative Methods in Life Science Develops an understanding of a range of standard basic methods for laboratory applications, including in calculus and statistical science. Sources of error in laboratory measurements will be discussed, as well as quantitative data analysis. Data management will also be examined.
LTD514Chemistry 1 Introduces the principles of chemistry including the general characteristics of atoms and molecules and the basic principles of chemical reactions. These fundamental principles will be applied to chemistry within the body. Quality control and quality assurance will also be discussed in the context of biochemistry and biochemical diagnostics. Finally, the practical component will involve performing a chemical experiment and will require and understanding of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for chemicals and their use in identifying chemical hazards.

Semester 2: LTD521, LTD522, LTD523, LTD524

CodeCourse Name and Description
LTD521Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 Develops an understanding of the concepts of anatomy and physiology in the context of medical laboratory science. The anatomical structure and physiology of the human body will be studied including the location, structure and function of the various organs and organ systems and its application in the medical laboratory. The interdependency and interactions between organ systems will also be discussed, understanding the mechanisms that maintain homeostasis within the body.
LTD522Human Anatomy and Physiology 2 This course is the continuation of LTD521.
LTD523General and Systematic Pathology Targets the functional and structural changes that occur in cells, tissues and organs in disease. General pathology will be introduced in order to understand cellular and tissue responses to abnormal stimuli in the context of disease. These fundamental concepts in pathology will then be applied to organ systems of the body to examine specific pathological processes that occur in various tissues.
LTD524Chemistry 2 Applies the principles of biochemistry in a clinical context, building on the material learnt in LTD514 Chemistry 1. The importance of carbohydrates, including their structure, function and role in disease, will be discussed. In addition, trainees will be taught the required skills and knowledge to interpret and communicate the clinical significance of biochemical test results carried out in the medical laboratory.

Semester 3: LTD531, LTD532, LTD533, LTD534

CodeCourse Name and Description
LTD531Microbiology 1 Covers the fundamental concepts of microbiology; microbial organisms; microbe-host interactions; microbial metabolism and identification methods; microorganisms and human disease; environmental and applied microbiology – all with a focus on medically important pathogens.
LTD532Haematology 1 Develops the knowledge and skills required for students to determine levels, function, activity and interactions of cellular and plasma components of blood using tests and procedures identified with the discipline of laboratory haematology.
LTD533Immunology Unit Develops a full understanding of the mechanisms that an organism mount to defend themselves against invading disease‐causing organisms (pathogens). These defense mechanisms can include basic barriers, induced secreted molecules (interleukins), circulating defense molecules (immunoglobins), general immune cells and specific immune cells (B cells & T cells.). A second layer of defense mechanisms that can adapt to the specific strain of pathogen that causes infection – adaptive immune response (memory cells). Vaccine efficacy is dependent on the adaptive immune system’s memory.
LTD534Histology Uses various techniques, histology establishes connections between microscopic structure of cells and tissues and their functions. Develops students theoretical and practical knowledge in Histology.. In the lab component, students will be able to perform various fixation and staining procedures and use a microscope to analyze the microstructure of tissues. In addition, a computer assisted, electron/ordinary micrographs based training to identify histology and histopathology of tissues is also included the lab component.

Semester 4: LTD541, LTD542, LTD543, LTD544

CodeCourse Name and Description
LTD541Microbiology 2 Covers microbial organisms; microbe-host interactions; microbial metabolism and identification methods; microorganisms and human disease; environmental and applied microbiology – all with a focus on medically important pathogens.
LTD542Haematology 2 Builds on the skills and knowledge from LTD522 Haematology 1. Trainees will acquire the required skills and knowledge to identify both normal haemostasis and haematological disorders through systematic laboratory investigation and correlate laboratory results to clinical presentation. The importance of haemostasis will be discussed and will include the process of coagulation, laboratory testing and anticoagulant therapy.
LTD543Transfusion Science Describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to perform routine tests and procedures that are part of the requirements of pre- and post-blood transfusion practice. The unit also covers tests and procedures that are indicated in laboratory investigations for transfusion related haemolytic reactions such as ABO incompatibilities, haemolytic disease of the newborn, and others
LTD544Laboratory Quality Management System Educates and trains Laboratory Technicians in the essential principles of Laboratory Quality Management Systems (LQMS) so they can develop and implement Quality Systems in routinely performing Medical Laboratories. This is in accordance with national practicing guidelines and internationally recognised Laboratory standards of quality. The goal is to give students a greater understanding of Laboratory testing performances, the significance of results and their impact in healthcare delivery, and the importance of quality in all aspects of a laboratory service. Trainees will manage a project related to LQMS during the course, and report their findings through an oral presentation and written report at the completion of the unit.
Advanced Diploma in Nursing – Level 6

Semester 1: NR101, NR102, NR103, NR104, NR105, NR110

CodeCourse Name and Description
NR101Social Science Provides students with the essential knowledge of psychology, sociology and related concepts, principles and psychosocial processes of health.  The relevance of psychology and sociology to nursing practice will then be explored with emphasis on their significances for the nursing practice in Tonga and beyond.
NR102Health and Healthy Living Defines health and the concepts of health as applies to individuals, families, communities and the importance of health determinants like environment to the maintenance of healthy living.  Adolescent’s Health development in relation to decision making and healthy living of the learners is explored.  Various behaviors that promote and risk health are discussed. Health system-structure and status of nursing to support health and healthy living is also explored.
NR103Human Bioscience 1 Introduces the study of anatomy and physiology with an examination of the organization, structure and tissue of the human body.  It will cover the body systems, and discuss the essential terminologies, structural organization of the body, Bio-Chemistry, Cells, Glands and Body Tissue.  Body systems covered will include Integumentary System, Muscular-Skeletal System, Cardiovascular System, and Respiratory System. The processes of the body system are discussed.
NR104Nursing Theory & Practice 1 Introduces concepts and foundational theories of nursing and its practice.  The legal and ethical aspects of nursing practice is introduced. Theories and concepts introduced include:  Introducing the Nursing care process phases; Growth and development physical developmental theories; The functional health pattern framework; Basic Infection Prevention Control, Effective communication and patients-nurse therapeutic relationship. Introduction to professional roles and responsibilities of nurses in their various areas in nursing are discussed.
NR105Primary Health Care 1 Introduces the concepts of Public Health and Primary Health Care (PHC) and how these are applied in nursing practice. The relationship of PHC within the Public Health System is explored. Primary Health Care Approaches are discussed in achieving health for ALL. Sustainable Development goals (SDGs) are identified and their significance to nursing practice. The roles and responsibilities of nurses working in the community are discussed in relation to PHC. The principles of community and family assessment are explored and applied to nursing practice in the community setting.
NR110Clinical Practice 1A Familiarizes the learners with the health system and differentiate the primary, secondary and tertiary services. Introduces the basic nursing skills that are associated infection control, therapeutic relationship and health assessment. Learners will also identify several external partners that support the health system in delivering quality health services. Clinical Practice 1B Introduces knowledge based skills that are essential for nursing care in the hospital setting.  Major concepts explored includes cultural safety in the workplace and inflection control is the major focus. Demonstrating competency basic skills required in nursing assessment will be assessed.

Semester 2: NR106, NR107, NR108, NR109

CodeCourse Name and Description
NR106Primary Health Care 2 Discusses the concept of Health Promotion and Nutrition, and their applications to individuals, families, and communities in clinical and community setting.  Components of Nutrition are identified and their significance in nursing practice. Strategies (Health Education) for promoting health and changing behavioral pattern are explored.
NR107Human Bioscience 2 Introduces more body systems’ Anatomy and Physiology as applied to nursing. Body systems include: Lymphatic System, Immune System, Urinary System, Fluid, Electrolytes & Acid Base Balance, Nervous System, Digestive System, Endocrine System, Reproductive System and Sensory systems. Processes and their significance to human survival will be described.
NR108Human Bioscience 3 Introduces the science of Microbiology and Pharmacology that are essential for effective nursing practice.  The main focus of microbiology are the processes by which the identified organism develops and cause disease, factors that enhance its growth and extend, methods for prevention and management, and its significance to the study to nursing practice.  Discussion of Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, administration of drugs.
NR109Nursing Theory and Practice 2 Introduces the Tonga National Professional Standards for Tongan Nurses and Nursing Standards for Year 1 nursing students. The nursing process components is described.  Caring as central aspects of nursing practice is also discussed with informed by nursing theories. Knowledge about a range of nursing skills essential for basic nursing care is also introduced.

Semester 3: NR201, NR202, NR203, NR204, NR205

CodeCourse Name and Description
  NR201Medical Surgical Nursing 1 Introduces the pathophysiologic mechanisms of disease related to Inflammation and Wound Healing, Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid -Base Imbalances. The concept of pain will further have discovered given it is patient’s major reasons for seeking health care. The nursing care management of patients with common problems related to Sensory and Integumentary Function, Musculoskeletal Function, Urinary Function and Gastrointestinal Function are discussed.
NR202Medical Surgical Nursing 2 Discusses the biological concept of Infection, Altered Immunity and Genetics, alteration in the Respiratory, Hematological and Reproductive system .  The major communicable diseases seen in Tonga or threatening this country are explored with the preparations for a possible epidemic. Nursing care management of patients experiencing pathological changes resulting in medical or surgical problems commonly occurring in Tonga, including prevention and early identification of deterioration of the patient’s health status are discussed.
NR203Maternity Care Introduces knowledge and skills in caring for normal pregnancy.  The normal physiological and psychological changes experienced during antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum period, and fetal development are explored. The roles of nurses in meeting the physiological and psychosocial needs of the pregnant mothers and families are emphasised.
NR204Nursing Theory and Practice 3 Develops the nursing theoretical knowledge and skills to support nursing practice when caring for the hospitalized patient. Applies legal and ethical principle, professional nursing concepts and leadership management to nursing care. Demonstrates a selected list of nursing competencies.
NR205Clinical Practice 2 Enhances skills and competencies  in caring for the hospitalized patient, for a second year student nurse, according to the Professional Standards (Folau ‘a e Neesi Tonga) re: Medical/surgical nursing including pre-operative and post op care of patients; and Nursing care of the hospitalized antenatal mother, woman in labour & delivery and postnatal period.

Semester 4: NR206, NR207, NR208, NR209, NR210

CodeCourse Name and Description
NR206Medical Surgical Nursing 3 Further introduces the pathophysiology and the nursing management of major non communicable diseases seen in Tonga and its burden to the health system; common conditions of chronic illnesses in Tong and the importance of promoting optimum health as preventative measures are explored.
NR207Mental Health Nursing Introduces mental health concepts, related theories and  services in Tonga, including referral systems, specialized care of the mental illnesses. Applies assessment processes to determine the mental health status of clients.  Learns nursing management, knowledge of support to clients and families living with illnesses
NR208Child Health Nursing Extends the knowledge and skills of nursing management to the child 0 to 14 yrs, with the integration of developmental stages, and family centered concepts to care.  Facilitates the development of independent judgement and problem solving skills when caring for the child.
NR209Nursing Theory & Practice 4 Builds on Nursing Theory and Practice 3 focusing on the nursing knowledge and skills to support nursing practice when caring for the hospitalized patient living with the effect of chronic illness and providing care for a terminally ill patient.
NR210Clinical Practice 3 or 4 Demonstrates selected competencies of nursing practice for pre-hospital care, the hospitalized patient, in hospital wards.  Demonstrate competencies for care of clients visiting special and outpatient clinics.  Demonstrates competencies required for nursing care of the woman in  labour, delivery and postnatal periods under the guidance of the midwife, RN and tutor.

Semester 5: NR301, NR302, NR303, NR304

CodeCourse Name and Description
NR301Complex Maternity Care Applies knowledge and skills to care for complicated childbearing experiences. Apply nursing management of complication during antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum period.  Nutrition, cultural diversity, use of technology, communication, critical thinking and decision based on assessments will be taught and discussed using and applying the nursing process.
NR302Care of the Complex Patient Applies knowledge of pathophysiology to nursing management of patient with complex health condition.  Based on sound evidence based assessment, and diagnostic findings, the student will learn to formulate and implement care of patients with comorbidities and critical conditions. The roles and responsibilities to assess, make sound judgement, decisions and appropriate referrals when caring for a patient with multiple and chronic conditions will be taught and explored.   
NR303Nursing Theory and practice 5 Develops nursing skills and knowledge required to manage complex health issues, holistic care to aging patients and palliative care. Introduces emergency triaging and specialized care settings in preparations to provide emergency care in any situation and to respond to crisis effectively.
NR304Clinical Practice 4 Demonstrates selected competencies for nursing practice in a high dependency and specialized nursing care areas like ICU, Paediatric Ward, Special Care Nursery, and Emergency Department and Operating Theatre.

Semester 6: NR305, NR306, NR307, NR308, NR309

CodeCourse Name and Description
NR305Remote Island/Area Nursing Prepares students to work in remote areas such as the outer islands, remote clinics and villages. Conducts and interpret community assessment to explore processes and challenges of managing common conditions in the remote area. Applies national protocols and concepts of Universal Health Coverage to nurse’s roles and responsibilities in resource management, interdisciplinary referral and enhancing community stakeholder’s engagement. 
NR306Nursing in Emergency and Disaster Situations Introduces the concepts of comprehensive approaches to emergency and disaster risk management. Develop nursing skills in preparation for emergency and disaster situations. Conducts risk assessment to guide nursing management in emergency and disaster situations. Explores the impact of national and international protocols in enhancing the nurse’s roles and responsibilities in managing an emergency and disaster situation.
NR307Evidence for and from Practice Introduces nursing research with emphasis on studying research principles, concepts and processes. Explore the significance of evidence for and from nursing practice by conducting a research project. The student is able to consolidate knowledge acquired from research to inform changes and development of nursing practice.
NR308Professional Nursing Practice Applies the Professional Standard (Siate Folau ‘ae Neesi Tonga), Code of Ethics, policy and Nurses’ act to prepare the transition of a student to a registered nurse. Applies concepts of leadership and management to sustain professionalism and strengthening collaborations within multidisciplinary contexts. Evaluates the significance of nursing knowledge and skills acquired for personal and professional development.
NR309Clinical Practice 5 Provides the opportunity for students to be in the community health centres consolidating and integrating the knowledge, skills and attributes from related emergency disaster, remote nursing contexts and research to practice of nursing. The students will be placed in the health centres to be part of the health care team in the community health centre setting.